- Manifesto -

I don’t claim to own any of these images other than a few screenshots I've taken myself. Some of these images have been laying around on my computer for five years and some I downloaded yesterday.

I made this site as a museum/archive of images found online. I have little to no idea who originally posted these images as they come from all different corners of the internet. Some are from conventional social-medias (facebook, instagram ect..) some are from various image-boards and a few are my own screenshots.

I believe that central for all online image sharing is “memetics”.

“A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.” - Wikipedia

When talking about memes I am not just talking about the funny images but also the images a grandmother posts on facebook of their grandchildren. It was shared because it had some kind of value, either comedic or other. The user who shared it would like to share the value they find in that particular image or images.
I therefore in a sense consider all images shared online memes, as they all fundamentally “act” the same way and have the intended goal of reaching as many “associates” (friends or peers) as possible.

I also believe that the fundamental purpose of the internet is to share “data” (messages, media ect..) globally.
This globality I find reflected in the identity of modern youth as there is an increasing pressure to share and document your every move.

The reason I chose to post these images here and not on an instagram page is that I wanted it to feel more separated from the rest of the web. Most social-medias don't allow much customization of their web-pages .
This unfortunately makes for a very standardized model of the web which I believe neglects (now more than ever) the user’s sense of individuality.